Pet Cafe

On 16 Nov 16 I Love Coffee having new update and there will be new feature in game. The new feature is Pet Cafe.

Pet Cafe is

Place where you can adopt a pet and keep it or care for it in your Cafe.
Pet Cafe also provide facility for Cafe owners who have pet.

The Requirements

To use Pet Cafe you must meet the requirements:
1. You have Lv. 28 or more
2. Main Cafe has 11 x 12 expansion
If you have meet the requirements you will get Quest related how to adopt a pet.

Pets for Adoption

You can get your first pet for free from complete the Quest.
There are 4 types of cat you can see in Pet Cafe and each types have 2 kinds of color:

You can buy other cat by touch the cat you want to buy, the cat color can be different from each day.

Be careful when choosing which pet you want to buy because each pet type have different skill and preferred food.

Pet Supplies

You need to buy some pet supply if you adopt a pet like food, snack, etc.
You can buy pet supplies by touching your pet, then touch Pet Supply Shop button.

Pet Care

Every pet you adopt need to be care so it will grow up healthy, you can care your pet in Manage Pet window.
You can go to Manage Pet by touching your pet, then touch Manage button.
There are some function you can see in Manage Pet window

  1. Change the pet's name
    You can change the pet's name by touching the pencil.
    Be careful if you change the pet's name, your pet Closeness can decrease.

  2. Pet Health Condition
    You can see your pet health condition, the pet condition may change depending on the pet status.
    Be careful if you neglect your pet it's condition may gotten worse and it can sick.
    If your pet sick you can treat it in Pet Cafe but it will cost you. The treatment costs and time required vary depending on you're pet overall health condition.

  3. Pet Status
    You can see your current pet status and how close your pet to you.

  4. Pet Level
    You can see your pet level here. You can raise your pet level by gaining exp from manage the pet.

  5. Pet Skills
    These are the pet's current skills that you can use. Total skill you can get for each pet is 2.
    Skills have cooldown time after using.

  6. Pet Management
    You can recover your pet status by using pet care tools in here.
    Each management have different cooldown time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, may i know where is the pet cafe located in i love coffee? i didn't pay attention for the tutorial and now i couldn't find back where is it >_<

    1. Sorry for late reply, You can go to Pet Cafe by tapping icon in the bottom left with pictures "boy & girl silhouette" and a Friends menu bar will be open then tap Emilia Cafe.

  3. Hi There! Sorry if I missed this but is it possible to have two pet cats in your cafe at the same time? Or will you have to board the second one all the time or when you need its skill? Thanks in advance, I'm still trying to get used to the pet addition :)

    1. Hi! Sorry it's not possible, only one pet can be raised in the Main Cafe.
      But its says that if you want to adopt another pet, you can leave your pet first in Pet Cafe then adopt another pet, of course if you leave your pet in Pet Cafe it will cost you. But I still have not tried.

  4. Is that possible if the pet gone missing? My pet disappeared without trace

    1. Have you tried to call your pet by tapping Cat Cushion then tap "Call Pet"?

    2. I hv tried doing so but there is no such tap when i tap the cat cushion

    3. My pet gone missing after I have abandoned the game for a little while and when i get back to it after some update, my pet gone missing without trace

  5. Hi, I just want u to know that your blog is really helpful for me ;)

    1. Thank you ^^
      I am also happy if my blog can be helpful.

  6. Hello, very nice your notebook, I would like to also talk about the certificate, because it's hard for me to understand it, congratulations and many thanks !!!

    1. Hello missymirikity D, thank you for your suggestion. I will try to make the guide about certif.

  7. Hi i am interested in getting a second cat which breed would be the best choice?

    1. Hi C. which breed would be the best choice is depend on what pet skill you need. You can see which pet will get which skill and preffered food in Pet Cafe guide.
      Skill 1 is skill your pet absolutely will get but skill 2 you will get random.

  8. Why the pet not eating?And get sick


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  10. just info, if your pet dissapear and you cannot tap the bed to call your pet, Just go to petshop and click treatment. If the petshop said its done and you can see your Pet at the cafe just tap and you will go back to your cafe and try to call your pet again. it works for me

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  12. Hello been awhile i cannot use my pet skills, everytime i want to use my pet skills i always get notifications said “wait!” And “must be over average”. Can anyone help me please?

  13. I just got the pet and there's a glitch that restarts the game while doing the feeding tutorial

    1. I have a problem like you. Can you feed it now? If so, please tell me how to do it.

    2. Samee. It’s always restarting
