Regular Customer

Regular Customer are normal Customer who will come to your Cafe without any requirement and you can get extra Gold or XP from them.

There are some ways to get extra Gold or XP from Regular Customers:
  1. Waking up sleeping Customers
    By tapping Customer who is sleeping, marked with "Zzz" on top of their head (+10 Gold)

  2. Answer Customer with Suggestions
    By tapping Customer who have suggestions, marked with "!" inside bubble chat on top of their head (+10 Gold)

  3. Getting tips from cleaning up trays
    If you have Staff in Recycle Counter, sometimes you can get tips from Customer

  4. Rearrange chairs after Customers leave
    By tapping overturned chair after the Customer leave / standing (+1 XP)

  5. Street Charming
    By doing Street Charming to Regular Customer you'll get different amounts Gold if you Fail or Success

► Regular Customers Street Charming

Regular Customer Street Charming is like a conversation you do with Regular Customer who is walking on the street outside your Cafe.

Usually you will get some Quest that require you to succeed on Regular Customer Street Charming to complete the Quest or to get extra Gold.

How to do Street Charming:
  • Tapping on Regular Customer who walking on the street outside your Cafe then select 'Street Charm'
  • Pick the correct statement, 1 of 2 Statement in 3 rounds
  • If you pick the wrong statement you will 'Fail' and you must tapping on other Regular Customer and start again from beginning

► Regular Customer Conversation

Regular Customer Conversation is conversation you do with your Regular Customer who come to your Cafe by tapping the Regular Customer, and you can get Random Statement (answer) from them.

Usually you will get some Quest that require you to have specific Statement (answer) from the Conversation with Regular Customer to complete the Quest.

There are 2 type Regular Customer Conversation:
  1. Sitting Customer
  2. Regular Customer who is sitting on the chair inside your Cafe.
    You can do the conversation by tapping Regular Customer who is sitting in the chair until he / she make the Statement (answer) that needed in the Quest

  3. Standing Customer
  4. Regular Customer who is standing / walking inside your Cafe
    You can do the conversation by tapping Regular Customer who is standing / walking until he / she make the Statement (answer) that needed in the Quest

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