Mystery Magician

♥ Street Charming

Are you having a show?
Are you hiding a pigeon in your hat?
Don't you need a handsome assistant for yourself?
I know a magic word: wingardium leviosa!
I tried to learn a few tricks, but they're too difficult.
What's in your hat?
What's magic?
Your eyes look mysterious.

♦ Conversation / Dialog

Can't you do magic without your hat?
Can i be your assistant for your next gig?
Can you get a pigeon out of your hat, too?
Can you read minds? What am i thinking right now?
Can you turn me invisible? 
Can't you do magic without your hat?
Did you just mumble something?
I like the golden stars on your hat.
I loved watching magic shows when I was young.
I'am a magician of latte art
Magician, sir, can i be a magician too?
Oh, i saw you standing outside a minute ago. When did you come in?
There are too many pigeons on the street for my liking.
What's your best performance?
Where do you usually perform?
Your blue eyes... They pierce right through me.
Your hat is so big, it's covering up your whole face.

♣ Lv 5

Are your tricks absolutely secret?
I’d love to have you perform in my café sometime
I’m going to debunk your tricks
My customer are dying to watch your show
Show me magic, and I’ll show you how to brew coffee
Teach me a trick, and your drink is on me
Those pigeons on street. Are they?
What kind of tricks is cutting a person in half?

♠ Drinks Order

Vanilla Latte
S Mug
1-2 Shots
Milk / Non Fat Milk / Low Fat Milk 55" , 20-31ml
Vanilla Syrup 1-2

Frozen Ice
S / XL (Cold)
Ice: Full
Espresso: PASS
Hot water 5-14ml
Syrup: PASS

Additional Topping for Vanilla Latte
S Mug
1 Shots
Milk / Non Fat Milk / Low Fat Milk 55"-60" , 20-31ml
Vanilla Syrup 1-2
Cinnamon Powder

Additional Topping for Frozen Ice
S / XL (Cold)
Ice: Full
1 Shots

Mysterious Drink
Double Espresso
5 Shots
Vanilla Syrup 2


Smart Girl     Private Sam     Indieband Vocal     Cartoonist

Himiko     Princess Wannabe     Frat Boy     E.T Girl

Snow Boarder     Little Princess     Lazy Part-Timer     Catch Me Frank

Miss Wang     Mystery Magician     Butler Louis     Lady   

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