Snow Boarder

♥ Street Charming

Do you like coffee?
Do you ski?
Where are you going?
Would you like a shot of espresso?
You look confident.
You look like you have good reflexes.
You look like you're ready to snowboard in Aspen.
You seem to be new here.

♦ Conversation / Dialog

Do you ride on the intermediate routes?
How do you withstand the heat of summer?
If you snowboard every day, when do you find time to study?
In cold weather like this, even snowboards are frozen.
Nothing beats a cup of hot coffee in cold weather.
Oh, that is a pretty cap!
People say you're really manly, don't they?
Snowboarding all day must be exhausting.
Snowboarding requires good balance, doesn't it?
What do you do in the summer?
Winter must be your favorite season, huh?
Wow, you are tall.
You like your coffee hot, huh?
You look cute with that beanie on!
You look like you're pretty ripped!
You should drink your coffee before it gets cold.

♣ Lv 5

Be careful--the coffee is hot
Do you wear those snowboarding clothes to meet girls?
Girls like caramel lattes
Girls like men who are masculine on the outside, but sensitive on the inside
What are you planning to do this winter?
What kind of girl do you like?
Why don't you snowboard with your girlfriend?
You look like the type that enjoys treating younger female students to snack and coffee

♠ Drinks Order

Caramel Latte
S / XL Mug
2 Shots
Milk /Low Fat Milk / Non Fat Milk 60" , 15-19ml
Caramel Syrup 1

Strong Caramel Latte
S / XL Mug
4-5 Shots
Milk /Low Fat Milk / Non Fat Milk 60" , 15-19ml
Caramel Syrup 1

Filling  Drink
S/ XL Mug
Soy Milk 35-40" , 30-40ml

Hot Water
XL Mug
Hot Water 40-50ml
Sugar Syrup 1

Hot Filling Drink
S / XL Mug
Soy Milk 80" , 30-40ml


Smart Girl     Private Sam     Indieband Vocal     Cartoonist

Himiko     Princess Wannabe     Frat Boy     E.T Girl

Snow Boarder     Little Princess     Lazy Part-Timer     Catch Me Frank

Miss Wang     Mystery Magician     Butler Louis     Lady   

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