Coffee Bean

Coffee Bean is used to make various Coffee. You can make Coffee Bean using Roaster Machine.

In the first time you only can make 1 type of Coffee Bean that is Brazil Santos. To unlock new Coffee Bean type you need to increase your level to certain Level or you can instantly unlock by buying it using Cash.

Be careful coffee bean can be spoiled if you don't get it as soon as it finish roasting. The fast Roasting time the fast it will spoiled.

This is the types of Coffee Beans:

Bean Types Unlock Lv. Time Spoiled Time Gold Cost Obtain
Coffee Bean Experience
Panama Esmeralda 10 3m 3h 0 1000 150
Brazil Santos 1 45s 3h 3 7 2
Mexico Altura 3 5m 3h 30 45 5
Costa Rica Tarruza 4 1h 3h 210 300 18
Guatemala Antigua 5 12h 12h 840 1050 43
Ethiopia Sidamo 5 6h 6h 720 800 32
Indonesia Mandheling 13 30m 3h 158 175 15
Hawaii Kona 15 2h 3h 315 450 40
Colombia Supremo 18 4h 4h 585 650 36
Jamaica Blue Mountain 21 8h 8h 891 990 48
Kenya AA 25 3h 3h 490 560 54

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